Replacing an Electric Hot Water Heater? Keep These Points in Mind

plumber installing hot water heater

Replacing an electric water heater is a complex process that can be overwhelming for anyone unfamiliar with the task. However, it’s possible to successfully replace an electric water heater with careful preparation and proper steps. Below are essential considerations when replacing an electric water heater.

1. Research the Requirements

Before attempting an electric water heater replacement, ensure you understand your specific model’s requirements. Different models may require different components or materials that you need to consider before beginning work. It’s important to research the necessary components and any additional items, such as hoses and fittings, required by your specific model. 

2. Check Your Power Source

Ensure your existing power source is compatible with your new electric water heater before starting the installation process. If you have a gas-powered unit, you need to switch to an electrical system or contact a qualified technician for assistance.

3. Turn off the Main Power Switch

Before beginning any work on your water heater replacement, make sure that you turn off the main power switch located near your meter box or circuit breaker panel. This will ensure maximum safety while working on your appliance and prevent electrical accidents from occurring while working on it.

4. Drain Your Hot Water System

It’s important to drain all the water from the current system before replacing it with a new one. Otherwise, there could be complications during water heater installation if left unchecked. Please do this by turning off the cold and hot valves near the bottom of your tank and then draining out all the remaining water using either a hose or bucket, depending on how deep it goes into your tank.

5. Install Your New Unit

Once all preparations have been completed, and all components are ready for assembly, you can begin the electric hot water heater installation by carefully following the instructions in its user manual, including connecting gas lines and plugging in power cords where necessary (if applicable). Water heater installers in Hampton keep all connections tight enough, which could lead to leaks in future use.

6. Test Your New Unit

After everything has been installed properly according to its manual directions, test out your new unit by turning on both cold and hot valves located at its base and all other necessary settings like temperature control. Ensure everything is functioning as expected before finally calling it done! Water heater installers in Hampton ensure that the water heater is professionally fixed.

7. Maintain Your Hot Water Heater

Maintaining regular maintenance checks of your electric water heater is essential for optimal performance throughout its lifespan; checking for potential blockages or corrosion build-up inside the tank itself, changing out old hoses if they become worn down or cracked over time (especially those leading directly into/out of tanks), are just some ways which can help keep things running smoothly as much as possible.

Following these tips during hot water heater installation should help replace an electric water heater easier and successfully than ever! With careful planning ahead of time and diligent follow-through during installation, there’s no reason any homeowner shouldn’t be able to confidently complete this project themselves without needing external help! Contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning for full-service plumbing, heating, and air conditioning throughout Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, and York County, VA.

How To Choose The Right Size Water Heater For Your Home

Water heater

When it comes to selecting a water heater for your home, size matters. The right-sized water heater will provide enough hot water to meet your household needs without wasting energy or costing a fortune. An oversized water heater would consume too much energy and cause your utility bills to rise. An undersized unit would require frequent refilling and cost more to operate. That’s why it’s important to consider a number of factors when selecting a water heater for your Hampton, VA home.

Tip 1: Consider Your Household Size

The number of people in your household will directly affect your hot water needs and should be the starting point for selecting your hot water heater installation requirement. A family of four, for example, will require more hot water than a couple or single-person household. This is particularly true if the household includes teenagers or children who take frequent showers.

So, the first step is to calculate a rough estimate of your hot water needs based on the number of people in your home. If you’re unsure, talk to water heater installers in Hampton to get an expert opinion. Their experience and knowledge can help you determine the right-sized water heater installation for your household.

Tip 2: Determine Your Peak Hot Water Demand

Every household has a peak hot water demand that must be taken into account when making hot water heater installation decisions. Peak hot water demand occurs when everyone in the household is using hot water, for example, during morning rush hour or after-dinner clean-up time.

To ensure you have enough hot water to meet peak demand, consider all of the appliances and fixtures in your home that require hot water installation. You’ll need to include water-using items such as showers, dishwashers, and washing machines when calculating your hot water needs.

Tip 3: Consider Your Budget

The size and type of hot water heater you choose should fit within your budget. Heaters that are larger or have more features, such as tankless water heaters, will cost more to purchase and install. For example, a 40-gallon natural gas water heater may be more expensive than a 30-gallon electric water heater with the same features.

To get the best value, talk to water heater installers in Hampton, and take their advice. They can help you determine your water heater installation needs and select a water heater that meets your hot water needs and fits your budget.

Tip 4: Keep Energy Efficiency in Mind

Today’s water heaters are designed to use energy more efficiently than their predecessors. You can save money on utility bills by selecting a water heater with an energy-efficiency rating.

To determine if a water heater is energy-efficient, look for the Energy Star label. Water heaters with this label meet or exceed federal guidelines for energy efficiency and can save you hundreds of dollars in operating costs over their lifetime.

Let the Experts Help You Choose the Right Water Heater

The best way to ensure you get the right size water heater for your home is to talk to professionals. Contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. for the advice you need.