Quick Tips To Prevent Clogged Drains

Man with plunger over kitchen sink

Nobody wants to deal with the headache of a drain clog. From slow-draining sinks and bathtubs to overflowing toilets—a sewer drain clog can have serious ramifications on your daily life. However, there are some steps that you can take to prevent them from occurring in the first place. 

Install a Drain Strainer to Capture Items Going Down the Drain

An experienced plumbing company can install a drain strainer to help prevent clogs from forming. A drain strainer is a net-like device that covers the surface of your drain and captures items, like hair and food scraps before they have a chance to travel down the pipes. This is especially beneficial for sinks in kitchens and bathrooms where these items are more likely to be washed away. With regular cleaning and maintenance, this small investment in a drain strainer can save you from costly repairs due to clogs. An expert plumber or knowledgeable company will be able to advise you on the proper installation of such devices and future maintenance tips moving forward. 

Avoid Pouring Fats, Oils, and Greases into Your Drains

Fats, oils, and greases are a big culprit for clogs as they do not dissolve easily in water. When poured down a drain, they may coagulate with other debris, such as hair or food particles from washing dishes, forming a blockage that eventually inhibits the wastewater flow. This leads to leaks, slow-draining water, or even an overflowing sink. To avoid this problem, never pour fats, oils, and greases down your drain whenever possible and properly dispose of them in the garbage can instead. 

Schedule Regular Maintenance and Cleaning of Your Drains and Pipes

Most plumbing problems, including sewer drain clogs, can be prevented with regular maintenance and cleaning of your pipes and drains. Professional plumbers are experts in this field and can help keep your plumbing system in shape. It’s important to hire an experienced company that can properly inspect and clean the drain systems in your home or business. Regular inspections will identify any issues and potential problems early on before they become significant issues. The plumber will check for things like cracks, leaks, or blockages; they will also look at whether the system generates enough water pressure. If any of these issues are found, the expert plumber can advise on what must be done to fix them promptly. 

Check for Signs of Wear and Tear in Your Pipes

A reputable plumbing company can assess the damage and recommend appropriate action. This could involve replacing certain pipe sections or installing new fittings if necessary. An experienced plumber will also have access to advanced tools to identify potential blockages before they become an issue. This prevents any further damage from occurring and avoids the need for costly repairs down the line. 

Avoid Flushing Anything Other Than Toilet Paper Down the Toilet

While it may seem convenient and harmless, non-flushable materials such as wipes, cotton swabs, dental floss, and feminine hygiene products can cause serious damage over time. These items may not appear to cause clogs immediately, but they can build up inside the pipes and create blockages requiring professional attention from an experienced plumber. Therefore, it is essential only to flush toilet paper to prevent any plumbing issues down the line. Additionally, if you already have a clogged pipe or other plumbing issues, it is vital to seek help from a qualified expert. 

Install a Water Softener

A water softener is specialized equipment that reduces the number of minerals in your home’s water supply, eliminating hard deposits that can quickly cause clogs. The best way to install a water softener is by hiring an experienced plumber or professional company with experts familiar with these installations. Installing a water softener can also help reduce energy bills, as softened water reduces the energy needed to heat your hot water. In addition to preventing shower drain from clogged, installing a water softener can be a great way to improve the quality of your home’s water supply. 
Contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. for all your shower drain clogged and sewer clog issues. We use cutting-edge technology to detect any problems in your plumbing system quickly and accurately, and our team of experienced professionals.