Signs it’s Time to Call for Air Conditioning Repair in Hampton, VA 

When the temperature rises outside, many home and business owners notice that their AC units are struggling to keep up with the hot weather while trying to cool their premises. There are several signs that might indicate your AC needs maintenance or repair. Read along as we divulge five telltale signs that your AC needs repair or maintenance.  

1. Strange Noises from your HVAC 

Air conditioners make strange noises for a variety of reasons. If your unit is making a high-pitched squealing noise, you may need to change or clean your AC filter. Filters should be changed once every three months during periods of higher use. A dirty filter clogs up and slows down your system, which forces it to work harder; over time, it can even cause damage to the compressor. 

2. Poor Airflow 

If your home’s temperature is more than 3 degrees warmer than what you set on your thermostat, your HVAC system isn’t working properly. This is a sign that something is broken. Some of these issues could include clogged coils or a dirty filter. You should call an air conditioning technician as soon as possible if you notice even minor changes to how your unit operates. The best thing you can do is schedule regular checkups, so there are no surprises during peak season when AC problems tend to occur most often.  

3. Foul Smell in the Air 

Whether you smell an unusual odor or just a typical warm smell, it may indicate that your system isn’t working as efficiently as it could. Check your filter and make sure no objects are blocking the vents. Once you’ve confirmed that everything is running smoothly, schedule a maintenance check with an Air Conditioning Technician to do a proper inspection. 

4. Moisture inside your Ducts 

Moisture can wreak havoc on your cooling system by corroding your equipment. If you see moisture inside your ducts, you may want to contact a technician immediately. While a small amount of condensation is normal, any leaks or dripping should be addressed as soon as possible. Check around windows and doors, where ducts are generally located, and where most moisture problems occur. You may need new weatherstripping or a dehumidifier installed nearby. A professional HVAC service provider in Newport News, VA can help with both solutions. 

5. Your Electric Bill is Too High 

High electricity bills can be a sign of a problem with your air conditioner. There are plenty of reasons why your bill could go up, such as running your AC more than usual. Make sure you’ve done some upgrades or maintenance on your current system, then schedule an appointment with an HVAC technician. If your unit is older, there may be a malfunction or problem with efficiency; either way, it’s good to have your system checked out. 

If you were skeptical about when to call an HVAC technician for maintenance or repair, now you have an idea when you should. Contact Atlantic PHAC for all your HVAC maintenance and repair needs in Newport News, VA. 

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