When To Repair Or Replace Your Faucet

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Small faucet problems can result in costly problems. If you notice something wrong with the faucet in your bathroom or kitchen, contact our Poquoson plumbing company for fast, reliable service.

There are many warning signs to determine if you have a problem. Depending on its severity, it may need a simple repair or a complete replacement. Our plumbers will diagnose the problem and provide you with the best solution.

Many issues are fixable and faucet parts are affordable and easy to replace. When a replacement is necessary, it is likely that your faucet has reached its lifespan (on average, they last up to 10 years, while some can last between 15-20 years). Other reasons include frequent use and underlying issues that have been neglected for too long. If you don’t know whether to repair or replace it, read on to find out what to do.

When To Repair Your Faucet?

Many faucet problems are minor and can be repaired but that does not mean they should be left unattended. If you are experiencing any of the following problems, contact our Poquoson plumbers to diagnose the problem and make the necessary repairs. In general, these fixes should not take more than one hour to resolve, but this depends largely on the extent of the damage.

Irregular Water Flow

When you turn on your water, does it sputter before producing a normal stream? This shouldn’t happen. Water streams should always be constant, meaning sputters and sprays are problems that need to be resolved. In general, the damage is internal and unless you have plumbing experience, you may not be able to fix it yourself. There are numerous possible causes, so rather than attempting to diagnose it yourself, contact a plumber to perform a thorough inspection.  

Leaking Faucet

One of the most common problems is a leaking faucet. Unfortunately, this is also one of the most ignored problems. A leaky faucet that loses water at a rate of one drip each second will waste more than 3,000 gallons of water in a year. Not only are you wasting water by not repairing the problem, but it can significantly increase your water bill. In general, leaks result from worn-down parts that need to be replaced. Replacements are typically affordable, and the labor is not intensive. As a result, there is no reason to ignore your leaking/dripping faucet.

Low Water Pressure

If you are experiencing low water pressure and you are only experiencing it in one faucet (or showerhead), then you probably have a clogged aerator or cartridge, or there is a buildup of debris and mineral deposits. If you are experiencing low water pressure throughout your home, there is probably an issue with the pipes or water supply, for example, a water line break or sewer line blockage. Explain the issues you are experiencing to your plumber and allow them to make the correct diagnosis.

Squeaky Handle

If your handle squeaks every time you turn it on, you probably have worn threads in the faucet handle. If you consider yourself a handyman or woman, you may be able to resolve this yourself. Simply remove the handle and coat the threads with plumber’s grease. 

Don’t have plumber’s grease on hand? 

Use petroleum jelly instead. After you have put all the parts back together, you should no longer experience squeaking. If you try this technique and you still hear a noise, then the problem may be caused by something else, like a worn-out valve stem or debris that has built up within the faucet. In that case, you will need to contact a plumber.

When To Replace?

If your faucet is old and causing more problems than you can keep up with, do not hesitate to replace it. In many cases, a replacement may cost less than a repair. Parts and labor for a kitchen faucet typically do not exceed $200. You can expect to spend less on a bathroom faucet. There are many advantages to skipping the repair and going straight to the replacement. For example:

  • You can buy a higher quality brand with a warranty for parts
  • Fewer repairs are needed, which makes it more cost-effective in the long run
  • Older faucets are far less efficient than newer models
  • You may be itching for a minor kitchen or bathroom renovation – now is the time
  • Even if you repair fixtures on an old faucet, chances are they will break again soon

Whether you repair or replace your faucet, contact our Poquoson plumbing company for high-quality service. Call 757-838-1036 for a free estimate.

4 Common Plumbing Problems You Can Diagnose

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Whether you’re a renter or a homeowner, you have probably experienced plumbing problems. Sometimes they’re minor which you can troubleshoot on your own, while other times they’re major issues that require professional services. Our Poquoson plumbing company has seen it all and the issues we’re about to share are by far the most common and easiest to diagnose. Chances are, you have already experienced at least one of these plumbing issues whether you realized it or not. When you contact Atlantic PHAC, our expert team will arrive promptly to resolve your issue.

Dripping Faucets And Pipes

If you have a dripping faucet or pipe, don’t ignore it. Even the smallest drip can increase your water bill. A dripping faucet is easy to detect: water will drip continuously from the faucet even when it’s turned off. Another reason you should never ignore dripping faucets and pipes is that the drip can be the result of a major problem. With any luck, it will be a minor and affordable fix, but you won’t know until you contact a professional.  

Clogged Shower Drain

The most common plumbing issue people face is a clogged shower drain. Shower drains can easily get clogged from the accumulation of soap, hair, and other particles that get stuck in the drain. We recommend that you try to resolve the issue first on your own and then contact our Poquoson plumbers if the following suggestions do not work.

All you need to unclog the drain is a plunger. Alternatively, you can use a plumber’s snake and/or a solution that breaks down materials in your drain. Just make sure to resolve the issue in a timely manner before it leads to sewer line problems and other complications.

Clogged Toilet/Running Toilet

Two common problems that you can easily diagnose are a clogged toilet and a running toilet. With a clogged toilet, the toilet bowl fills up and does not drain. To resolve this, try using a plunger. This is the best tool to fix simple plumbing problems on your own. Another tool to use is the plumber’s snake. If these methods do not work, then use a drain auger if you have one.

You don’t want to ignore a running toilet, as this can quickly increase your water bill. Running toilets present a trickier problem than a clogged toilet. It can be the result of multiple causes, such as:

  • Refill tube problems
  • Worn out flush valves
  • Corroded toilet handles
  • Sediment buildup
  • Many more

This makes it difficult to diagnose. However, if you know the source of the problem and have a repair kit handy, you may be able to tackle it without contacting our expert team. Otherwise, just contact our plumbers and we have the tools and skillset to accurately diagnose and resolve your running toilet.

Faulty water heater

In most cases, you can easily diagnose a faulty water heater: you no longer have hot water. Running out of hot water isn’t the only way to determine a problem. Discolored water at the base of the tank is another indication that your water heater is faulty. If you notice that water is dripping from the heater, or you hear strange clunking noises coming from inside the tank, these are all signs that you should contact our Poquoson plumbers to diagnose the issue. The problem with water heaters is they are out of sight and, true to the adage, usually out of the homeowner’s mind. However, you should always inspect your water heater even if you don’t think there is a problem. 

Unfortunately, a faulty water heater is difficult to repair unless you are a trained plumber. If you don’t know your way around one, we strongly recommend that you don’t attempt to fix it. Not only is it challenging, but it can be dangerous. Get in touch with Atlantic PHAC instead. We will arrive promptly and we provide 24-hour emergency plumbing services.

Contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning

We are a Class B Licensed, Bonded and Insured Corporation, servicing the Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, and York County area since 1977. We also hold a Plumbing, Gas Fitter, and HVAC Master License in the state of Virginia. Our team specializes in residential Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning systems, so when you’re in need of friendly and reliable service, look no further than our Poquoson plumbing company. Call 757-868–8590 for service.

How to Tell if Your Plumbing Is Bad

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Plumbing at home or work is something most of us may take for granted, but our daily lives are affected when something breaks or stops working. If you don’t want serious water damage from leaking pipes or a weakened roof and higher bills, you will want to keep reading.

This article explains some signs that you will be able to recognize and tell if your plumbing is bad. If you notice any of the following, know that it’s time to call Hampton heating, plumbing, and air conditioning experts.

Smell: Nasty Odors

Yes, this human sense can save you a lot of trouble if you have faith in your nose. Musty odors coming from different areas of plumbing can point to various problems. If you smell rotten eggs from the kitchen sink, then there might be a drainage problem. The drain might have gotten clogged with food scraps, which may rot and emit bad odors. Before it causes a pipe to burst or your sink to overflow, get it checked. If this happens often, there might be a problem with the sewer lines.

Often, a smell of human excretion coming from under the sink or the toilet can mean that a drain vent has a blockage. Drain vents are there to make sure that no nasty smell or gas enters your home. Such pipes can seep sewage into surrounding pipes and under the floor of your house, backing up more sewage and causing more leaks. 

Since they are often enclosed in walls, you can’t check for leaks or blockages easily. Calling a Hampton heating and plumbing expert is important in such a situation. They will bring the right tools to diagnose the problem accurately.

Sounds: Squeaky Noises

There’s more to pipes than just the sound of water running, though ideally, that should be the case when a tap is on, or the toilet is being flushed. If you’re not using water and still hear running water, hissing, rattling, or gurgling from the pipes, it means a pipe is probably clogged or leaking.

Squeaks or screeching sounds are not ghosts in your bathroom but faucets filled with air. This air needs to be released to avoid damaging the pipes as there is an error that needs to be addressed. Don’t ignore these noises and call a plumber to fix the crack, preventing the issue from worsening.

Touch: Water Pressure

Good water pressure is a blessing. Who doesn’t want a nice water stream in the shower on an early morning? However, bad water pressure can make everyday chores difficult. 

Do you have good water pressure? Try running the faucet or flushing the toilet. If the running water isn’t thick or the toilet doesn’t flush properly, the water pressure may be an issue. Bad water pressure can be due to old, deteriorated pipes, leaks, clogs, water heater issues, or ill-fitting pipes.

Low pressure can also be a municipal problem if there is low water pressure everywhere in your house or neighborhood. You need to check your utility bill and see if it is high due to a leak in the mainline of your water supply system. Similarly, discolored or smelly water can be indicative of a water supply problem.

If you don’t want barely trickling water, it’s a good idea to get your home pipelines checked. Even if you’re okay with the low water pressure at some outlets, you will want to avoid major future problems, especially with the water main.

Visible Signs: Ugly Walls

There are numerous visible signs of bad plumbing. Many can be seen on your walls. If you have damp walls with stained ceilings or discolored or damaged walls with bubbling paint, it is an indication of a leaking pipe. In addition, it can also cause a lot of damage to your walls. Similarly, cracks in the foundation or dampness under the floor can weaken the structure’s foundation.

Sluggish drain, especially in the kitchen or shower, points to pipe blockages, which may be a common issue but shouldn’t be ignored if it’s happening too often.

Other things to look out for are:

  • Rusty pipes
  • Frozen pipes
  • Dark or brown color showing poor water quality
  • Dripping water faucets
  • Insects are coming from the drain
  • Puddles of water

You don’t have to face these annoying problems when good plumbing can easily fix them.

Should You Call?

Well, if you’ve marked yes to more than one of the problems described above, then you’re in dire need of our professional services to make your life easier. Call us now for the most reliable Hampton heating and plumbing services!

Your question answered by an Atlantic Technician

Q: When we flush our toilet in our master bathroom the tub drain in that room gurgles. What is causing this?

Your home’s plumbing system is a series of drain and vent pipes. When you flush a toilet or run water into the sink, it then travels down the drain and into the sewer or septic system. The vent pipes run vertically through the roof of your home, equalizing pressure within the plumbing system and allowing sewer gasses to escape. When you flush your toilet and the water is pushed through the drain lines, a vacuum is created behind that water, and air is pulled in through the vent to equalize that vacuum pressure immediately.

CAUSE The cause of the gurgling is due to a blockage of some kind. If the vent is blocked, the air will have to be pulled into your plumbing system through some other opening- in this case, your tub drain. The gurgling sound is air being pulled through your tub’s drain trap.
WARNING This gurgling sound can be an early warning, putting off a drain cleaning can cause overflowed toilets, tubs and even water damage to your home. The blockage source can be as simple as the exposed roof vent being blocked by debris or ice. Another source of the blockage can be something within the drain pipes that would require a sewer machine or auger to break loose.
PREVENTION We’ve seen toilets “explode”, sending waste through bathroom and surrounding rooms, as well as carpets and sheetrock replaced due to backed up drains. Prevent these plumbing horrors from happening in your home by having the drain thoroughly cleaned by a drain cleaning professional and only putting flushable items in your drains

Garbage Disposal Tips Part 2: Proper Maintenance

Proper maintenance and operation will extend the life of your garbage disposal and prevent drain and sink backups. It is important to run your disposal at least once weekly, even if you have nothing to grind. If you do not run your garbage disposal regularly many different problems can occur, such as the disposal blades sticking and bad smells coming from the disposal and drain. Learn the best way to use your garbage disposal by following the steps below.

How to Properly Use a Garbage Disposal

  • 1. Begin by collecting your food pieces in the sink base away from the disposal
  • 2. Run a strong flow of COLD water into the disposal (for about 5 seconds)
  • 3. Turn on the disposal
  • 4. Using a kitchen utensil, push a small amount of food into the garbage disposal,
    wait to hear the grinding stop before adding more
  • 5. Once sink base is clear of waste, continue running water for about 5 seconds
  • 6. Turn off the disposal and continue running water another 10 seconds to ensure
    all particles are flushed through the disposal and drain pipes.
  • 7. Now turn off the water

The Best Way to Clean a Garbage Disposal

You can extend the life of your kitchen disposal by cleaning it 1-2 times a month. Cleaning your disposal keeps the grinding blades sharp, removes existing debris and prevents unpleasant odors.

Use any of these 3 methods below to properly clean your garbage disposal:

  • 1. Remove sludge and debris from your disposal by using ice cubes and salt
    • A. Pour two cups of ice into the disposal, then 1 cup of salt
    • B. Turn on cold water then turn on the garbage disposal
    • C. Once the grinding is complete, turn off the disposal, then the water
      The ice not only cleans but also sharpens the garbage disposal’s blades.
  • 2. Eliminate odors from your garbage disposal by grinding citrus fruit peels
    • A. Throw the fruit peel into the disposal, let cold water run and turn on the disposal
      The citric acid in the peels will clean the blades and eliminate odors.
  • 3. Prevent discoloration of the black rubber cover on your garbage disposal
    *Make sure the disposal is OFF and NEVER put your hand inside!

    • A. Using an old tooth brush or scrub brush designed for garbage disposals and dish soap, scrub the black rubber screen (in sink hole) on top and underneath.
    • B. Rinse with warm water
      Slime and debris can buildup on the rubber screen and cause odors and discoloration over time.

Need help with a backed up garbage disposal in the Hampton, Virginia area? Call a local plumbing professional such as Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning for prompt and professional service.

Garbage Disposal Tips Part 1: Do’s and Dont’s

Garbage Disposal Do's and Dont's

Having a garbage disposal in your Hampton, Newport News or Poquoson home has many benefits from a more convenient and faster cleanup process to preventing future plumbing problems. Ultimately a garbage disposal in your kitchen eliminates the environment for bacteria to breed (in the trash can) and unpleasant odors. If you already have a garbage disposal or need a plumber to install a garbage disposal, it is important to know the straightforward do’s and don’ts of proper garbage disposal use, as well as the best ways to clean and operate your disposal. This week part 1 will cover the Do’s and Don’ts and next week will cover The Best Way to Use Your Garbage Disposal and Cleaning Tips.

Garbage Disposal Do’s

  • Run the disposal with plenty of water
  • Only grind foods with COLD water
  • Flush the disposal and drain with HOT or COLD water, after grinding is completed
  • Run the disposal regularly with water every few days, even if you have nothing to grind
    *This prevents rust, corrosion and any obstructions from accumulating
  • Only grind a small amount of biodegradable food pieces at a time, “when in doubt, throw it out!”
  • Run the disposal until grinding sound stops or until you only hear the motor and water running
  • Clean your disposal 1-2x a month using ice, dish soap, Borax or baking soda.
    *Avoid harsh chemicals such as bleach and caustic drain cleaners
  • Do ask a local plumber for professional advice on the best methods to maintain your drains to help keep them clean and flowing freely

Garbage Disposal Don’ts

  • Don’t use hot water while grinding food. It’s okay to run hot water down the drain after you’ve used the disposal
  • Don’t fill the disposal before turning it on. Keep the cuttings away from the disposal, in the base of the sink and feed them slowly into the grinder while running plenty of COLD water.
  • Don’t put the following in your disposal
    a. Grease, fat, coffee grounds, whole bones, clam shells, oyster shells or seeds
    b. Fibrous materials ,such as corn husks, celery stalks, onion skins and artichokes
    c. Expandable foods, such as pasta and rice
    d. Potatoes or potato skins
    e. Meats (raw or uncooked)
    f. Fruit pits and rinds
    g. Harsh chemicals such as, bleach, drain cleaners or caustic drain cleaners
    h. Glass, China, Plastic, Metal, paper, bottle caps, tin, foil, utensils
    i. Anything combustible
    j. Cigarette butts
    k. String, rocks, rubber bands, dentures, toys, etc.