Types Of Furnaces: Which One Should You Choose?

Worker installing furnace

When it comes to home appliances, no fixture is quite as essential as your HVAC system. Providing heating and cooling comfort, regulating humidity levels, and maintaining indoor air quality are just a few things that heating systems do for you on a daily basis.

Choosing a Furnace

Which type of furnace installation services are right for you? Read on for more information about the different heating options available to homeowners.

Gas Furnaces

A gas furnace uses natural gas as fuel to heat a home. The furnace works by drawing air into the system, heating it with a burner, and distributing the warm air throughout your home via a series of ducts. Gas furnaces are energy efficient and reliable, with many models lasting between 15 and 20 years with proper care and maintenance. Natural gas tends to be less expensive than other fuel sources, so gas furnaces are a more cost-effective option for heating. Gas furnaces are also very quiet during operation. Regular inspections, cleaning, and filter changes are needed to optimize function and minimize potential safety hazards of gas furnaces.

Electric Furnaces

Electric furnaces use an ignition system to heat air and distribute it through ductwork, much like a gas furnace would. Modern electric furnaces use less energy than their older counterparts. Since electricity can be generated from renewable resources, electric furnaces are an environmentally friendly choice for many homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Electric furnaces do not produce emissions or dangerous by-products as part of their ignition process, making them a safer option for heating your home. They are also relatively low maintenance. Choosing an electric furnace with a higher energy efficiency rating will yield significant savings on monthly energy costs, although you must keep up with regular maintenance and filter replacements to keep your system in good working order.

Propane furnaces

Like gas furnaces, a propane furnace uses propane gas as a fuel source to heat a home. Propane tends to be more expensive than natural gas, though it can be a good option for homes without reliable access to natural gas. A portable propane tank can be installed outside the home to make the fuel supply readily accessible.

Dual-Fuel Furnaces

Dual-fuel furnaces use electricity and gas as fuel sources, allowing them to switch between the two as needed. This results in higher energy savings and improved efficiency when natural gas is scarce. Conversely, natural gas may continue working if you are prone to power outages in your area, making the dual-fuel furnace an attractive option for those who want a backup heat source.

Heat Pumps

A heat pump is a device that transfers heat from one location to another in order to heat a space. It uses a refrigerant to absorb heat from the outside air or ground and transfers it inside to heat your home. Heat pumps are highly energy efficient because it uses less energy to transfer heat than to generate it. They do not burn fossil fuels, making them another environmentally friendly option compared to other heating systems. Heat pumps are also durable and have a long lifespan.

Which One Is Right for You?

Choosing the right furnace installation depends on a number of factors, including:

• Size of the unit

• Desired fuel type

• Efficiency ratings

• Climate 

• Ventilation system

• Installation and potential furnace repair costs

• Finding a reputable HVAC contractor

Still Have Questions?

Let the professionals at Atlantic Plumbing, Heating, & Air Conditioning Inc. help you navigate the furnace installation process. Quality furnace installation services, furnace repair services, replacement, boiler and thermostat repair, plumbing services, and ventilation services are just a few of the many things we provide valued customers in Hampton and beyond. Contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating, & Air Conditioning Inc. now for more information.

3 Things To Remember About Furnace and Water Heater Service

Home water heater and toolbox

It’s the time of year when your furnace or water heater is probably working overtime. Keeping you warm or hot water takes a lot of energy, so it’s essential to ensure that they are serviced properly. Here are three things to remember about furnace and water heater service in Hampton, VA.

1. Regular Service and Maintenance

You can’t just set it and forget it when it comes to your furnace and hot water heater service in Hampton, VA. You should check on them regularly to ensure they are functioning properly. Call a qualified technician immediately if you notice any strange noises or smells or if your unit isn’t working as efficiently as it used to.

Like your car, your furnace or water heater needs regular repairs to keep it running correctly. Maintenance will not only prolong the life of your unit, but it can also save you money on your energy bills. Besides, catching a problem early is always better before it becomes a bigger, more expensive repair.

Failure to prioritize regular maintenance can also void your warranty, so check with your manufacturer or retailer about the best service schedule for your unit. Warranty is critical if you do need a significant repair or replacement.

2. Choosing the Right Technician

When it comes time for furnace water heater service in Hampton, VA, you want to make sure you choose a qualified technician. The last thing you want is someone inexperienced working on your furnace or water heater, as this could do more harm than good.

Always ask for recommendations from friends, family, or your local heating and cooling company when looking for a technician. Once you have a few names, be sure to do your research and read online reviews. You should also make sure the technician is properly licensed and insured.

Once you’ve found a qualified technician, ask plenty of questions. Find out their experience and how long they have been working on furnaces or water heaters. Getting a quote in writing before any work is done is also a good idea.

Don’t try to furnace water heater service in Hampton, VA yourself. You don’t have the requisite knowledge or experience and could do more harm than good.

3. Know when to replace your unit

Even with proper maintenance, your furnace or water heater will eventually reach the end of its lifespan. When this happens, it’s essential to know when to replace your unit. A qualified technician can help determine if it’s time for a new unit.

Do not ignore the warning signs that your furnace or water heater is going out. The signs may include:

  • higher than normal energy bills
  • unusual noises or smells
  • the unit isn’t heating or hot water as well as it used to

If you notice any of these signs, call a qualified technician right away to do furnace and hot water heater service in Hampton, VA. Ignoring the problem will only worsen it and could lead to a complete breakdown of your unit.

It’s the time of year when your furnace or water heater is probably working overtime. Keeping you warm or hot water takes a lot of energy, so it’s important to ensure that they are serviced properly. If you need furnace and water heater service in Hampton, VA, contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning for help.

Heating Repairs Near Me

Hampton VA Heating Repairs | Heating Repairs Near Me | Furnace Repair

Your heating unit is a complicated appliance. It has multiple components and a ventilation system that goes through a lot during the day, depending on weather changes. From dirt and debris making their way through the appliances, there are many reasons why your heating unit can go down on performance and not provide adequate functionality. 

Some of these issues are easier to handle, and you can take care of them yourself at home. However, others need to get checked professionally to gain back the optimum functionality of the heating unit. To make things easy for you this winter season, we have compiled a list of the top most common heating repairs that you should follow up with. 

Let’s have a look, shall we? 

Clogged Air Filters 

One of the most common problems that occur with heating units has to be clogged air filters. Changing air filters should be a routine maintenance activity for most homes, especially if you have pets and frequently use the furnace. Moreover, weather changes and how much dust and dirt accumulate in your home are good indications of changing and cleaning your air filters. Because of dirty air filters, improper ventilation means your heating system will not perform well. Moreover, regular air filter changes can prolong the lifespan of your heating unit. 

Dirty Air Ducts & Vents 

Heating and ventilation units work properly by circulating desired temperature and heat throughout the home. However, over time air ducts and vents can collect a lot of dirt, fur, debris, threads, dead skin, etc. This makes it difficult for the heat to circulate around your home, regulating the temperature and performing adequately. Profession cleanup of air vents and ducts every now and then is a good idea to avoid any damage and have the heating unit performing up to date. 

Delayed Maintenance Checks 

Many people don’t account for how often they should schedule their heating repairs maintenance checks in VA, Virginia. Truth be told, once every month is a great way to keep everything working great and the heating unit ready for every season. Delayed maintenance checks set back the progress of your system and end up performing poorly. However, with proper maintenance checks conducted regularly, all your burners, furnace, filters, vents, and ducts will be cleaned and provide optimum functionality. 

Daily Usage Wear & Tear 

It’s nothing to worry about, even if after all the maintenance checks and DIY caring of the heating unit ends up in vain. Sometimes wear and tear caused by daily usage is why your heating unit functions inadequately. Chances are your heating system is very old and has been through a lot due to regular use. Hence, a malfunction of a system shut down was unavoidable. That’s why replacing your core system is one of the things you can do every 3 to 5 years, depending on how much you use the heating system. 

Issues with the Thermostat 

Sometimes heating repairs have nothing to do with the actual heating but rather issues with the thermostat. When your thermostat is broken, it can easily be the reason behind faulty fan functioning, leading to comfort issues. However, the chances are that if your thermostat is broken, you can’t do much yourself to fix it. You have to call in the professionals to handle this one. They can help you out better in deciding whether it needs replacing or would do with fixing. 

Inadequate Heat Supply 

Inadequate heat supply is probably the most common result of almost anything that can go wrong with your heating unit. Therefore, if you haven’t found the source of your heating system problem, it is better to call in professionals. Experienced heating repairs professionals like Atlantic would be able to identify the core reason behind inadequate heat supply and help you out in getting it fixed. 

Too Noisy 

Last but certainly not least, your heating unit is very much capable of producing noise as it functions. However, loud noise created from consistent rattling or squeaks can mean an underlying mechanical problem. Moreover, a too noisy heating system may also mean that in order to keep up the functionality, it is working too hard and may have clogged air burners. Noise can also come from frequent cycling of the heating system indicative of a bad thermostat. 

Bottom Line 

Now that you are well aware of the most common heating repairs that you should follow up with – you’ll surely be enjoying your heating system at optimum functionality for a long time. Looking for a reliable Heating Repairs service provider? Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. is your place to be. We provide Heating Repairs for all of VA Virginia and Surrounding Areas. Contact Atlantic today and experience our professional approach to heating repairs services. 

How to Maintain Your Heating System during Winter Season

Heating systems are an essential part of the household unit. They make up for an extreme necessity during the winter months. Therefore, it is quite a given notion that maintaining your heating systems to run smoothly all throughout the winter is a must.

Typically, heating systems last you 10 to 30+ years if kept running smooth, periodically serviced, and maintained. Mostly manufacturing warranty runs out at the 10-year mark. This means that any occurring repairs from now onwards will be way more costly than before.

But naturally, there isn’t an easy way out of heating system failures other than repairs and replacements. So what do you do to avoid breaking your bank fixing your house’s heating system? Well, you take care of it before, after, and during the usage time.

That is precisely why heating system maintenance is so important throughout the year. So, as we are currently enjoying the winter months, it is high time you set down your heating system maintenance round-up for the winter months.

6 Tips to Keep the Heating System in Check during Winters

Therefore, to help you out and make your heating system maintenance easy for you, we have compiled some essential and easy-to-follow-through winter maintenance tips for your heating systems. Let’s have a look, shall we?

  1. Change out Your Thermostat Batteries

First, it is important that you check your thermostat batteries and switch them out. Keeping it functioning optimally is vital as this is your best chance at communication and notification with your heating system. Moreover, you would want to keep a check on your furnace, too, and the thermostat can indicate how it is performing only if it has full battery power. Therefore, always make sure to check and replace your thermostat’s batteries.

  1. Ensure Regular Changing for the Filters

Next up are your heating system filters. Keeping your heating system filters clean is the best way to ensure the longevity and optimum functionality of the HVAC unit. Moreover, cleaning the filters allows you to remove allergens that may move around in your HVAC system. Additionally, blocked filters can become a major cause for the system’s failure to work harder and lead to premature workup.

  1. Keep the Surrounding Area of Your Vents & Furnace Clean

Cleanliness is Hampton VA Air Conditioning 101 basic, and our company experts swear by it. Similarly, your HVAC unit needs some clean loving too in order to work well and keep you healthy. Therefore, always make sure to sweep in and around your vents and furnace area to remove any unnecessary debris and dust accumulation that might be harmful. Moreover, it will greatly enhance the air quality of your homes.

  1. Check Your Home for Air Leaks

Many people overlook this major step, but we have made sure to include it in the list, so you don’t miss it. Always check your house for air leaks that might be causing the outer air blowing in your home, leading to lower temperatures despite the thermostat regulating it. This will lead the HVAC system to work twice as hard, which will increase the electricity bill and is quite harmful in general for the environment.

  1. Upgrade to Smart Home Systems

This might be a costly upgrade, but smart home systems are the future. Therefore, even if you are not going for the change right now, it is important to keep it on the list for the future. Switching to smart home systems will allow for better, high-tech features of heating and ventilation as well as air regulation. It will allow you to save electricity, enjoy great heating and cooling, and prove healthy for the environment.

  1. Schedule Annual Professional Maintenance Checks

Lastly, professional maintenance checks for heating and cooling systems, Poquoson plumbing, and other household utilities are always a good idea. Therefore, schedule an annual professional maintenance check for your heating system, especially during the winters. It will ensure that your heating system runs smoothly all throughout the winter months without causing any unexpected disruptions.

Bottom Line

Now that you are well aware of some of the most basic yet significant heating system maintenance tips, you’ll surely be enjoying your heating system at optimum functionality for a long time. Looking for a reliable Hampton VA Heating Company service provider?

Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. is your place to be. We Heating Services for all of Hampton, VA, and Surrounding Areas. Contact Atlantic today and experience our professional and courteous approach to plumbing and HVAC services.

Why Should You Have Your Furnace Professionally Inspected Before Winter?

Poquoson Heating Company | Heating Company Near Me |

It may not be winter yet, but the cold is slowly creeping throughout Poquoson. Before it gets too cold, we recommend you contact our Poquoson heating company to get your furnace professionally inspected. 

Would you prefer to know if your furnace system is in good condition now as opposed to finding out unexpectedly in the dead of winter when it suddenly stops working?

Your furnace is an important piece of equipment, as it prevents you and your family from spending miserable nights in frigid temperatures. Still, if you don’t think a professional inspection is worth the investment and you are willing to take the risk this winter, here are six reasons why you should rethink that.

Your Last Inspection Was Over 1 Year Ago

It is recommended that your furnace be professionally inspected at least once a year to ensure it is in proper working order. Who doesn’t want a heating system that operates more efficiently when the warm months begin to turn? Many furnace manufacturers recommend maintenance by a technician in addition to annual inspections. Always make sure to read your warranty to see what it says about damages caused by improper maintenance.

Ensures Even Air Flow

Inspections make certain that every room in your home receives sufficient heat and that it gets distributed evenly throughout the house. No more scratching your head over the fact that one room is colder than all the others. Uneven airflow is often caused by restrictions due to an accumulation of dust and debris, but there are other more serious causes that a professional can diagnose and resolve while servicing your system. If it is just an accumulation of contaminants, they will clean your system and even replace older parts, like the filter, which has its own role in helping the furnace run smoothly.

Minimizes Unnecessary Strain

There are many factors that can restrict the airflow in your furnace. Dirt and grime are not the only culprits. No matter what the cause, restricted airflow will result in your furnace working more than it should to compensate for the additional burden. The result is undoubtedly a system that performs less efficiently and has a shortened lifespan. While you may think you are saving money by not having your furnace checked at the onset of winter, you are actually putting yourself at risk of spending more in the long run. You may end up replacing parts prematurely or worse, replacing your entire unit.

Improves Overall Performance

Restricted airflow is just one reason your furnace may not run efficiently this winter. Unfortunately, it is one of many. Some of the most common causes of furnace failure that we run into are:

  • Thermostats that no longer work correctly
  • Clogged drain pipelines that result in leaks
  • A blower that doesn’t stop running
  • Filters that haven’t been cleaned or replaced recently

Keeps Your Warranty Valid

We briefly mentioned that manufacturers recommend one annual inspection and annual maintenance by a certified technician. When was the last time you read your warranty? 

Now, may be the time, as some manufacturers require your furnace to be serviced annually to keep your warranty valid. In other words, by neglecting to have it inspected, or hiring a technician who is not certified just to save a little money, you can void your warranty. We recommend reading your warranty if you haven’t already just to be sure. Additionally, store receipts for repairs in a safe place, as you may need to produce them to prove proper maintenance.

Ensures Safety

There is another reason you should have your Poquoson furnace inspected that has nothing to do with efficiency or securing your warranty. Because furnaces rely on natural gases, such as oil or propane, to heat a household, any misstep in the combustion process can lead to cracks in the line or joint. This can cause a gas leak or an increase in carbon monoxide levels, two dangerous and potentially fatal consequences. While some gas leaks may be noticeable, people can’t detect an increase in carbon monoxide unless they own a carbon monoxide detector. Most furnaces produce this odorless gas to function, but not at dangerous levels. While we do recommend every home be equipped with a carbon monoxide detector, it is equally as important to have your furnace inspected at least once a year to prevent dangerous leaks.

Contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating, & Air Conditioning

Our Poquoson heating company has proudly served the Virginia Peninsula since 1977. For a professional inspection, contact Atlantic PHAC at 757-868–8590.

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Heating System for Your Home

Heating Company, Newport News | Heating Company Near Me

Want to update your heating systems as winter is approaching but don’t know what’s best for your house? We’ve got you! This guide would help you find the most suitable system that you can use to keep your home warm during this winter.

Upgrading to a newer model or a new system might seem overwhelming due to the expenses and choices. Especially in Newport News, heating companies are expensive, but this investment will be worth it in the long run. Several new heating technologies are available in the market, and so much more efficient than the old, outdated versions.

Here are three types of heating systems you can get professionally installed in your house;

  1. Central Heating Systems

In this system, the heat is generated through the central heat source, and it is distributed across rooms. Central heating systems provide heating to several rooms; it could be through pipes or ducts, depending on the type of system you choose to use. The heat source should be placed where it is accessible but also secluded. The attic or basement of your house would be the best area to place the heat source.

Heat pumps

Using heat pumps is not new, but the advantage of using them is that they are good for all seasons. Hence, it can be used to keep your home warm during winter and keep it cool inside during summer. This quality makes it efficient and cost-effective.  They can last for about 15 years before you need a replacement.


Furnaces use gas, electricity, or fuels to heat air and distribute it throughout your rooms via ducts and vents. They are best known for their affordability, longevity up to 30 years, and ensures indoor air quality.


The broiler is the most commonly used heating system in the US. This system uses hot water via pipes to distribute heat all over. It uses pumps to circulate water and bring back cold water into the broiler to reheat and distribute. This cycle continues. It distributes heat uniformly across rooms.

  1. Direct Heating System

As the name suggests, there are no ducts or vents to distribute heat but can directly acquire heat from the heating source. This system is perfect for a small room like your study room as it has small heating output.

Gas-Fired Space Heaters

These are portable heaters that can be installed in your room without much professional help. They are affordable as they work on fuels such as kerosene or natural gas, depending on what’s easily available in the state you live in. Not only is affordability an advantage, but it is also uncomplicated. They are operated manually rather than extensive systems and remotes.

Electric Space Heaters

These are plugin heaters as they use electricity to produce heat instead of fuels to operate. Like gas-fired space heaters, these as well only heat small spaces and need continuous electrical supply in the wall socket for them to work.

  1. Ductless Heating System

This can easily be installed and is less heavy on the pocket. As the name suggests, a ductless heating system does not require vents and ducts to distribute heat. This heating system is made for one room only. So, if you need heating systems in more rooms, you’ll need to invest in more than one. There are two types of ductless heating systems:

Portable Standing Air Conditioner with Heat

This air conditioner is on wheels and is lightweight to make transportation easy. They are less expensive than the other two ductless heating systems and are easy to install.

Minisplit Heat Pumps

This modern heating system is controlled using a remote. Fancy, isn’t it? It is suitable for both summer and winter as it functions as a cooler and a heating system. They are smaller in size and sleek-looking, making them perfect for your new home.

Did You Find What Is Best for You?

With so many options available in the market, it can be a daunting experience to choose the right one for your house. Before buying a replacement for your heating systems, check which heating system is most commonly used in your area, what fuels are easily available, what companies are available to help you install your system, and most importantly, what your affordability is. Doing your research before you decide would make the process smooth and less overwhelming.

We suggest getting in touch with the HVAC experts at Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning for better guidance and installation. They have been serving the community at Virginia Peninsula including Newport News, providing professional HVAC and plumbing services since 1977. Visit the Atlantic PHAC website to learn more and request a service.

3 Critical AC Tips to Keep Your Newport News / Hampton Area Home Cool This Summer!

AC Repair Newport News, VA | AC Maintenance Hampton

When it comes to keeping your Virginia peninsula area home cool this summer, there are many things you’ll want to consider. Here at Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning in Hampton,  we know how important it is to keep your house at a comfortable temperature, while also keeping your wallet happy. 

The good news is this problem comes with a very simple solution and we’re here to help you figure it out! Our air conditioning service is available 24/7 to help repair your A/C!

Maintenance is vital for anyone who wants to keep their air conditioner in top-notch shape for years to come. Though this seems like a pretty easy task, we know all too well what happens when even the smallest of maintenance tasks are avoided. With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of AC maintenance tips to keep your Hampton area home or business cool this summer!

  1. Fix AC Leaks

All too often, we hear about small leaks that turn into big problems later on. The most common reason behind ac leaks is a clogged condensation drain. In which case, condensation isn’t properly removed causing water to build up or leak from the AC. Dirt and sludge can also build up in the system which will cause a blockage. 

A great way to avoid needing AC repair for this is to contact an experienced AC company like Atlantic as soon as you see signs of a leak.

  1. Change The Filter

Your AC filter plays a major role in the function of your AC unit and your health. It serves as the entry point for the air that is being pulled into the AC. The filter functions as a trap for all of the particles that are floating throughout your home, making it the primary location for dirt and bacteria. As dirt builds up into the AC filter, it eventually restricts the airflow making it harder for your AC to function properly. In order to avoid this and unnecessary AC repair, you’ll want to change your AC filter at least every 90 days and every 45 if you have allergies and other health factors to consider. If you are unsure about this, the best way to make sure the AC filter is properly charged, contact us

  1. Check the Thermostat

Though this seems like the easiest way to properly maintain your AC unit, it can be quite the challenge. The thermostat is the control center for your AC so it’s important to make sure it is properly maintained. This includes avoiding frequent adjustments throughout the day or night. If at all possible, you’ll want to get a thermostat that can be programmed or placed on a timer. This will help you regulate the temperature in your home without having to consistently tamper with the thermostat.

A great way to keep your home cool and maintain its temperature is to use quality windows and blinds. By using energy-saving windows and quality blinds, you can eliminate the amount of heat and sunlight that gets into your home.

Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Is Here For You!

Though these are some of the ways that you can keep your AC in working condition with basic AC maintenance tips, the best way is to contact the experts. Here at AtlanticPHAC, we’ve offered full-service HVAC services throughout Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, and York County, VA since 1977, and no problem is too big or too small.

To learn more about our services or how we can help you, give us a call at 757-838-1036, we look forward to working with you!