The Importance of Plumbing Repairs: Keeping Your Home and Wallet Happy

Plumber with tools doing reparation in the kitchen.

Imagine coming home from a long day at work, ready to relax and unwind when you notice a pool of water forming in your kitchen. You rush over to see that your sink is leaking and the water is quickly accumulating. Panic sets in as you realize you’ll need to call a plumber for repairs. Or maybe you’ve been meaning to fix that slow-draining shower, but it just hasn’t been a priority. These issues may seem small, but neglecting plumbing repairs can lead to bigger problems down the line. That’s where Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning comes in to save the day.

Based in Hampton, VA, Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning has been providing top-notch plumbing, heating, and air conditioning services for over 20 years. Our team of skilled technicians is dedicated to keeping homes and businesses in the Hampton area functioning smoothly and comfortably. With a focus on customer satisfaction and quality workmanship, Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning is the go-to choice for all your plumbing repair needs.

The Cost of Ignoring Plumbing Repairs

It’s easy to brush off a small plumbing issue, especially when it’s not causing any major inconvenience. But did you know that ignoring a leaky faucet or a slow-draining sink can end up costing you more in the long run?

A study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that a leaky faucet that drips at a rate of one drip per second can waste up to 3,000 gallons of water per year. That’s not just a lot of wasted water, but it also adds up on your water bill. The EPA estimates that fixing household leaks can save homeowners about 10% on their water bills.

But the cost of ignoring plumbing repairs doesn’t stop at your water bill. Leaky pipes can also lead to water damage, which can be costly to repair. According to HomeAdvisor, the average cost to repair water damage in the US is $2,700. And that’s just for minor damage. If left unchecked, water damage can lead to mold growth and structural damage, which can cost thousands of dollars to fix.

The Benefits of Regular Plumbing Maintenance

Now that we’ve established the potential costs of ignoring plumbing repairs, let’s talk about the benefits of regular maintenance. Just like your car needs regular oil changes to keep running smoothly, your plumbing system needs regular check-ups and repairs to function properly.

By scheduling regular maintenance with Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, you can catch and fix small issues before they turn into costly problems. Our skilled technicians will thoroughly inspect your plumbing system, identify any potential issues, and provide efficient and effective repairs. Not only will this save you money in the long run, but it will also give you peace of mind knowing that your home is in tip-top shape.

In addition to saving you money on future repairs, regular plumbing maintenance can also improve the efficiency of your plumbing system. Inefficient plumbing can lead to higher water bills and wasted resources. By keeping your plumbing system in good condition, you can save money and do your part for the environment.

FAQs about Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning’s Plumbing Repair Services

1. What types of plumbing repairs does Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning offer?

Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning offers a wide range of plumbing repair services, including leak detection and repair, faucet and fixture repair, pipe repair and replacement, water heater repair and installation, and toilet repair and installation.

2. How can I schedule a plumbing repair with Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning?

To schedule a plumbing repair, simply give Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning a call at 757-838-1036 or visit our website. Our friendly customer service team will assist you in setting up an appointment at a convenient time for you.

Don’t Neglect Plumbing Repairs – Call Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Today!

From small leaks to major plumbing emergencies, Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning is here to provide top-notch plumbing repair services. Don’t wait until a small issue turns into a costly problem. Trust the experts at Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning to keep your home and wallet happy. Contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning to request a free estimate or to schedule a repair today.

How to Tackle Stubborn Drain Clogs: A Guide to Effective Repair

Kitchen counter with clogged sink, plunger and plumber's accessories

Dealing with a stubborn drain clog can be a homeowner’s nightmare. Whether it’s a slow drain or a complete blockage, finding the right solution is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the common causes of drain clogs, effective drain clog repair methods, and why Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning is your go-to expert in Hampton, VA.

The Challenge of Drain Clogs

Understanding Common Causes

1. Hair and Soap Scum: Accumulation of hair and soap residue can lead to clogs, especially in bathroom drains.

2. Grease and Food Particles: Kitchen drains often suffer from clogs due to the buildup of grease, food particles, and other debris.

The Impact of Neglected Drain Clogs

  1. Foul Odors: Clogs can cause unpleasant odors to emanate from drains, affecting indoor air quality.
  2. Water Damage: Persistent clogs may lead to water damage, affecting walls, floors, and cabinets.

Effective Drain Clog Repair Methods

1. Use a Plunger

Apply forceful plunging to dislodge minor clogs. Ensure a tight seal around the drain and push and pull the plunger vigorously.

2. Homemade Drain Cleaners

Mixing baking soda and vinegar can create a natural and safe solution to break down clogs. Follow with hot water to flush away debris.

3. Professional Plumbing Services

For persistent or severe clogs, seek professional help. Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning specializes in efficient and reliable drain clog repair.

Drain Clogs Frequently Asked Questions

Can I prevent drain clogs?

Yes, regular maintenance helps prevent clogs. Avoid pouring grease down drains, use drain screens, and schedule periodic professional inspections.

Why should I choose professional drain clog repair?

Professional services ensure thorough clog removal without causing damage to pipes. DIY methods may provide temporary relief but often fail to address the root cause.

Contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning

If you’re struggling with persistent drain clogs or want professional assistance, contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning at 757-838-1036. Our team is dedicated to providing reliable plumbing services in Hampton, VA. Contact us to learn more about our comprehensive plumbing solutions.

Quick Tips To Prevent Clogged Drains

Man with plunger over kitchen sink

Nobody wants to deal with the headache of a drain clog. From slow-draining sinks and bathtubs to overflowing toilets—a sewer drain clog can have serious ramifications on your daily life. However, there are some steps that you can take to prevent them from occurring in the first place. 

Install a Drain Strainer to Capture Items Going Down the Drain

An experienced plumbing company can install a drain strainer to help prevent clogs from forming. A drain strainer is a net-like device that covers the surface of your drain and captures items, like hair and food scraps before they have a chance to travel down the pipes. This is especially beneficial for sinks in kitchens and bathrooms where these items are more likely to be washed away. With regular cleaning and maintenance, this small investment in a drain strainer can save you from costly repairs due to clogs. An expert plumber or knowledgeable company will be able to advise you on the proper installation of such devices and future maintenance tips moving forward. 

Avoid Pouring Fats, Oils, and Greases into Your Drains

Fats, oils, and greases are a big culprit for clogs as they do not dissolve easily in water. When poured down a drain, they may coagulate with other debris, such as hair or food particles from washing dishes, forming a blockage that eventually inhibits the wastewater flow. This leads to leaks, slow-draining water, or even an overflowing sink. To avoid this problem, never pour fats, oils, and greases down your drain whenever possible and properly dispose of them in the garbage can instead. 

Schedule Regular Maintenance and Cleaning of Your Drains and Pipes

Most plumbing problems, including sewer drain clogs, can be prevented with regular maintenance and cleaning of your pipes and drains. Professional plumbers are experts in this field and can help keep your plumbing system in shape. It’s important to hire an experienced company that can properly inspect and clean the drain systems in your home or business. Regular inspections will identify any issues and potential problems early on before they become significant issues. The plumber will check for things like cracks, leaks, or blockages; they will also look at whether the system generates enough water pressure. If any of these issues are found, the expert plumber can advise on what must be done to fix them promptly. 

Check for Signs of Wear and Tear in Your Pipes

A reputable plumbing company can assess the damage and recommend appropriate action. This could involve replacing certain pipe sections or installing new fittings if necessary. An experienced plumber will also have access to advanced tools to identify potential blockages before they become an issue. This prevents any further damage from occurring and avoids the need for costly repairs down the line. 

Avoid Flushing Anything Other Than Toilet Paper Down the Toilet

While it may seem convenient and harmless, non-flushable materials such as wipes, cotton swabs, dental floss, and feminine hygiene products can cause serious damage over time. These items may not appear to cause clogs immediately, but they can build up inside the pipes and create blockages requiring professional attention from an experienced plumber. Therefore, it is essential only to flush toilet paper to prevent any plumbing issues down the line. Additionally, if you already have a clogged pipe or other plumbing issues, it is vital to seek help from a qualified expert. 

Install a Water Softener

A water softener is specialized equipment that reduces the number of minerals in your home’s water supply, eliminating hard deposits that can quickly cause clogs. The best way to install a water softener is by hiring an experienced plumber or professional company with experts familiar with these installations. Installing a water softener can also help reduce energy bills, as softened water reduces the energy needed to heat your hot water. In addition to preventing shower drain from clogged, installing a water softener can be a great way to improve the quality of your home’s water supply. 
Contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. for all your shower drain clogged and sewer clog issues. We use cutting-edge technology to detect any problems in your plumbing system quickly and accurately, and our team of experienced professionals.

How Do I Know When I Need to Clean My Plumbing?

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When it comes to fixing your house’s pipes, the problem might be deeper beneath the surface. You might think a single clogged line isn’t a nightmare. But when your toilet overflows, you wish you had seen the warning signs. 

Expert drain services can find the source of clogged drains and fix the issue before you know it. However, knowing when to clean your drain is important. In this blog post, we will share 8 warning signs for drain cleaning. Go through these signs and check if you are experiencing them. 

8 Warning Signs for Drain Cleaning 

For most of us, plumbing is something we need, but we never think about it. Plumbing problems are some of the most costly fixtures, so ideally, you’d want to tackle the issue before it manifests into a serious problem. Here are 8 warning signs for drain cleaning. 

  1. Slow Drain 

A drain in your house that wasn’t always slow starts collecting water. While there are many reasons for slow drainage, common culprits include substances and objects stuck in the pipeline. This slow drain will require proper cleaning. Hire your local plumbing service before the clogging spreads to other areas. 

  1. Foul Odor

When you start smelling unpleasant odor from your bathroom, it’s a sign of a plumbing problem. Often, drainage lines get clogged, which prevents waste and other material from going down. Unpleasant odors contain bacteria and diseases that can lead to respiratory problems. Your best bet is to hire a plumbing expert to look into the matter quickly. The unpleasant odor might be sewer gasses or waste sitting in your drain. 

  1. Frequent Cleaning 

DIY drain cleaners contain harmful chemicals that damage your drainage line from within. They can do more harm than good as they burn the plumbing lines passing through your building. If that happens, you’ll have a ridiculous plumbing bill on your hand. However, most homeowners turn to DIY drain cleaners when they encounter clogged drains. If you happen to clean your drain every week or month with a DIY cleaner, it’s a sign of a deeper problem that requires a professional. 

  1. Fruit Flies in Your Home 

The unexpected occurrence of fruit flies in your kitchen is a sign of drain clogging. Fruit flies are attracted to leftover food. When your kitchen drain is filled to the brim, fruit flies notice it and start having a buffet. Don’t try any DIY cleaning products because you might complicate things. You don’t know what’s stuck in your drain, and if you throw raw acid, it might have an adverse reaction. Contact a professional drain cleaning service to look into the matter. 

  1. Overflowing Toilet 

It’s easy to know when your toilet is overflowing. But knowing “why” your toilet overflowed is best left up to professionals. If waste isn’t going down the drain, it means something is clogging your plumbing lines. A professional drain cleaning service will look into the problem and highlight the clogged area. It might be beneath the surface so that cleaning products won’t help. 

  1. Puddles in the Yard 

Unexpected puddles in the yard don’t mean it rained last night. It’s a sign of a serious plumbing issue. Puddles indicate leakage in the plumbing lines beneath your yard. It’ll be the most expensive plumbing service you’ll ever pay for. However, such cases are rare unless your child flushes his toy car in the toilet. 

  1. Bubbling Sound 

Keep an ear out for plumbing issues. Sometimes, the problem might not be apparent, but you can hear it. Gurgling or bubbling sounds in the drain are a sign of clogged pipes interrupting the drainage pathways. This problem forces water to escape from different directions, causing air bubbles to burst, resulting in a bubbling sound. If you hear this sound, you should stop using your drainage for a while. Sometimes, it happens when something is stuck and passes along the plumbing line on its own. However, if you hear bubbling sounds after 48 hours, you should call your local plumbing service. 

  1. Water Backups

Probably the second most costly plumbing service you’ll pay for after puddles in the yard. However, you can mitigate this problem through timely action. When you see signs of water backing up, stop using that area of your house. Call a professional drain cleaning service and let them take care of the problem. 

Contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating, and AC Service 

Clogged pipes, faulty drain, or your child’s toy stuck in the toilet, reach out to the best Hampton heating and plumbing service. 

Contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning service now. You can reach out by dialing the following numbers or by visiting our website for more information. 

  • Hampton: 757-838–1036
  • Newport News: 757-877–2696
  • York County: 757-898–5529

Poquoson: 757-868–8590