5 Tips to Maximize the Performance of Your AC System This Summer

The air conditioner has a lot of different parts and complexities, which can determine how well it operates. The maintenance and care it receives also influence its performance and if it needs air conditioning repair. If you want to stay cool during the summer, there are a few ways to boost the performance of your AC.

1. Schedule a Tune-Up

Hire a professional technician from a company like Atlantic Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning to perform an AC service tune-up of your air conditioner before the summer season arrives. This will include replacing, cleaning, and repairing some of the parts. The individual will also be able to check for potential issues that are developing to ensure they’re immediately fixed, which can prevent them from breaking down when the temperatures rise.

2. Replace the AC Filter

Many people forget to replace the air conditioner filter every few months, which can cause it to work hard than necessary to operate. A new filter will encourage better airflow and will reduce your energy usage as the appliance operates more efficiently. This can also increase the lifespan of the parts because they won’t suffer from strain when the AC filter is clogged and dirty. It can also help you to avoid AC repair in the future.

3. Adjust the Termostat

Adjust the thermostat and increase it by a few degrees, which will prevent your AC from working harder to operate and will still allow the interior of your home to be cool. This will allow you to save money and energy while avoiding too much use of the appliance throughout the season.

4. Fix Leaks

Perform an inspection of the building to determine where drafts and leaks are present, which can allow warm air into the home and can cause cool air to escape. Sealing the drafts around doors and windows will contain the cool air in the building and will make it easier for the AC system to do its job without needing AC repair. Sealing the drafts will also reduce your energy usage and allow you to spend less on your energy bill during the warmer months of the year.

5. Cover the Windows

Consider covering the windows in each room of the home to prevent heat from transferring into the building. Clothes the blinds and shut the curtains, which will keep the air cool inside the home. You can open all of the window coverings when the temperatures drop in the evenings during the day to reduce the risk of needing air conditioning service by reducing your usage of the appliance.

6. Avoid Using the Oven

Avoid using your oven or stovetop when you need to cook and prepare meals, which will cause a significant amount of heat to be released into the building as the appliances are in use. Grill outdoors if you need to cook meat and stick to cooler dishes that don’t require using heat. This will help you rely less on your AC and can reduce the risk of needing air conditioning repair because it’ll be operating less frequently.

Feel free to contact our team today to learn more about the air conditioning service we offer and how to increase the performance of your AC during the summer. Our team can answer your questions and help you schedule an AC service appointment.

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