3 Things To Remember About Furnace and Water Heater Service

Home water heater and toolbox

It’s the time of year when your furnace or water heater is probably working overtime. Keeping you warm or hot water takes a lot of energy, so it’s essential to ensure that they are serviced properly. Here are three things to remember about furnace and water heater service in Hampton, VA.

1. Regular Service and Maintenance

You can’t just set it and forget it when it comes to your furnace and hot water heater service in Hampton, VA. You should check on them regularly to ensure they are functioning properly. Call a qualified technician immediately if you notice any strange noises or smells or if your unit isn’t working as efficiently as it used to.

Like your car, your furnace or water heater needs regular repairs to keep it running correctly. Maintenance will not only prolong the life of your unit, but it can also save you money on your energy bills. Besides, catching a problem early is always better before it becomes a bigger, more expensive repair.

Failure to prioritize regular maintenance can also void your warranty, so check with your manufacturer or retailer about the best service schedule for your unit. Warranty is critical if you do need a significant repair or replacement.

2. Choosing the Right Technician

When it comes time for furnace water heater service in Hampton, VA, you want to make sure you choose a qualified technician. The last thing you want is someone inexperienced working on your furnace or water heater, as this could do more harm than good.

Always ask for recommendations from friends, family, or your local heating and cooling company when looking for a technician. Once you have a few names, be sure to do your research and read online reviews. You should also make sure the technician is properly licensed and insured.

Once you’ve found a qualified technician, ask plenty of questions. Find out their experience and how long they have been working on furnaces or water heaters. Getting a quote in writing before any work is done is also a good idea.

Don’t try to furnace water heater service in Hampton, VA yourself. You don’t have the requisite knowledge or experience and could do more harm than good.

3. Know when to replace your unit

Even with proper maintenance, your furnace or water heater will eventually reach the end of its lifespan. When this happens, it’s essential to know when to replace your unit. A qualified technician can help determine if it’s time for a new unit.

Do not ignore the warning signs that your furnace or water heater is going out. The signs may include:

  • higher than normal energy bills
  • unusual noises or smells
  • the unit isn’t heating or hot water as well as it used to

If you notice any of these signs, call a qualified technician right away to do furnace and hot water heater service in Hampton, VA. Ignoring the problem will only worsen it and could lead to a complete breakdown of your unit.

It’s the time of year when your furnace or water heater is probably working overtime. Keeping you warm or hot water takes a lot of energy, so it’s important to ensure that they are serviced properly. If you need furnace and water heater service in Hampton, VA, contact Atlantic Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning for help.

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